記得看過一齣紀錄片,叫《日本鬼子》(Riben Guizi﹕Japanese Devils, 2001),導演松井稔(Matsui Minoru)訪問了十四名在二次大戰期間犯下滔天暴行的日本士兵,讓他們直接告訴我們,他們是如何從一個普通的日本國民,變成殺人、強奸、虐待、打家劫舍的「鬼子」。
作為一個做學問的人,我有責任用比較理性的方式去理解我所聽到的回憶和證言。但是,正如很多人都說過﹕We can forgive,but we cannot forget(我們能夠原諒,但絕對不能忘記)。這句話值得我們深思。
我認為,對日軍侵華史實不能忘記的人,應該不只是中國人。起碼還有韓國人(他們的先輩是慰安婦制度的主要受害人)。當然,還有所有被日軍蹂躪的國家的人民。而且,正如張純如(Iris Chang)在她的The Rape of Nanking﹕The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II(1998,中譯《被遺忘的歷史─1937年南京浩劫》)中所強調,「世界」也絕對不能把這段歷史忘記。看了《日本鬼子》後,我醒覺到,世界上最不應該忘記這段歷史的,其實是日本的國民。
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
23日下午,日本自民黨選出新一任的總裁,如外界所料,前內閣官房長官福田康夫(Fukuda Yasuo)順利當選,25日將成為日本下一任首相。
71歲的福田,一向以謙謙君子的形象見稱,其處事風格比以往兩任首相小泉純一郎(Koizumi Jun’ichirō)和安倍晉三(Abe Shinzō)都來得溫和,而且承諾在任內不會到靖國神社參拜,預料將有助中日兩國保持良好的關係。問題是,福田能做多久的首相?
這次,有線寬頻(i-Cable News)再次邀請我做嘉賓,對福田當選後的日本政治生態作一簡短的分析。期間談到了日本的國際定位,在野民主黨對自民黨的挑戰,國內結構改革的繼續推行,以及未來中日關係等問題。
其實,自民黨自安倍突然宣布辭職起,就開始走一條「穩定民心」的路線。這尤其表現在自民黨內部那種力求團結的努力上。除了麻生太郎(Aso Tarō)一人外,在安倍宣布辭職的幾天內,幾名有意參選的候選人都紛紛棄權,而且表態支持福田。而自民黨內部的九大派系,除了麻生一派,全都公開支持福田。雖然派系內個別成員不一定就將選票投給福田,但自民黨內部完全沒有露出半點大亂陣腳的姿態,在在表示了黨內很快就達成了某種共識。目的是希望日本國民覺得自民黨還是在當家。
自民黨這一招是以不變應萬變。選出福田,似乎暗示著黨內回到一種平穩一統,甚至是status quote的狀態。但是,究竟自民黨是否就如此「團結」呢?那就要看麻生這類個人色彩濃厚的自民黨國會議員會否發出任何異端的噪音。其實,自民黨現在能夠做到的,也就是保持一個「穩健形象」罷了。
71歲的福田,一向以謙謙君子的形象見稱,其處事風格比以往兩任首相小泉純一郎(Koizumi Jun’ichirō)和安倍晉三(Abe Shinzō)都來得溫和,而且承諾在任內不會到靖國神社參拜,預料將有助中日兩國保持良好的關係。問題是,福田能做多久的首相?
這次,有線寬頻(i-Cable News)再次邀請我做嘉賓,對福田當選後的日本政治生態作一簡短的分析。期間談到了日本的國際定位,在野民主黨對自民黨的挑戰,國內結構改革的繼續推行,以及未來中日關係等問題。
其實,自民黨自安倍突然宣布辭職起,就開始走一條「穩定民心」的路線。這尤其表現在自民黨內部那種力求團結的努力上。除了麻生太郎(Aso Tarō)一人外,在安倍宣布辭職的幾天內,幾名有意參選的候選人都紛紛棄權,而且表態支持福田。而自民黨內部的九大派系,除了麻生一派,全都公開支持福田。雖然派系內個別成員不一定就將選票投給福田,但自民黨內部完全沒有露出半點大亂陣腳的姿態,在在表示了黨內很快就達成了某種共識。目的是希望日本國民覺得自民黨還是在當家。
自民黨這一招是以不變應萬變。選出福田,似乎暗示著黨內回到一種平穩一統,甚至是status quote的狀態。但是,究竟自民黨是否就如此「團結」呢?那就要看麻生這類個人色彩濃厚的自民黨國會議員會否發出任何異端的噪音。其實,自民黨現在能夠做到的,也就是保持一個「穩健形象」罷了。
Friday, September 21, 2007
2007年3月8日,在加拿大的多倫多大學(University of Toronto)舉辦了一場「中日關係研討會」(Sino-Japanese Conference),邀請了著名教授發表他們的研究成果。被邀請的講者包括中日關係名學者Joshua Fogel教授和Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi教授。
而我又跟中日留學生合作做了兩場圓桌討論(roundtable discussion),探討如何加深中國和日本年輕人對對方文化的認識,也集中檢討了媒體和教育制度對中日文化交流扮演了什麼角色。
組織這次會議的,不是著名教授,也不是大學的學院,而是一些關心中日問題的中日留學生。他們的主席,井澤賢人(Kent Masato Izawa)曾經選修了我教的一門叫「中日關係﹕歷史,文化,記憶」的大學課程。另外一位主席李濱(Derek Bin Li)是井澤君的好友。兩人花了很多心血,終於籌募了足夠的經費,舉辦了這個由「學生」和「民間」所發起的會議。參加會議的達二百多人,而且反應熱烈。這是連我也始料不及的。作為一個參與者,我感到很榮幸。
News@UofT -- Social Sciences Business and Law
Find this story on the web at: http://www.news.utoronto.ca/bin6/070328-3054.asp
Students build bridges between Chinese, Japanese communities
Conference marked a turning point, bringing forth mutual understanding between China and Japan
Mar 28/07
by Hayley Morrison
Building bridges between two great Asian nations, the University of Toronto’s 2007 Sino-Japanese conference marked “a turning point in the relationship between China and Japan,” said Derek Bin Li, co-president of the Sino-Japanese conference committee.
On March 9, the student-run committee presented a full day of speakers and roundtables to examine both the historical conflict and current relationship between China and Japan. The two nations have been at odds since the second Sino-Japanese war, a conflict over the Chinese mainland that lasted from 1937 to 1945.
“We wanted to give a long review of the conflict,” said Derek Bin Li, co-president of the committee and a fourth-year international relations student. Added Ashleigh Au, the committee’s marketing director, a fourth-year East Asian studies student, the committee “did not want to neglect the cultural exchange” that existed before the Sino-Japanese war.
While most of the attendees were graduate students, some faculty members and mature students also participated in the various seminars and lectures.
To promote mutual understanding and non-official dialogue between the two communities was no easy task for committee members. They approached Yu Chang of East Asian studies and Professor Joshua Fogel, Canada Research Chair in the History of Modern China at York University, to organize the conference sessions. Using their expertise, the committee constructed several roundtables debating issues of forbearance, justice and mutual understanding.
Offering personal accounts and engaging in intensive debate, students demonstrated how Sino-Japanese relations are not just about the war but “a contemporary issue that has followed from the time of this conflict up to the present,” Au said.
With a potpourri of individuals, the committee had to accommodate many different perspectives. About 80 per cent of the committee members were not Canadian born and were influenced by the Sino-Japanese war either directly through their grandparents or through the media.
Although it was difficult for students from Chinese and Japanese backgrounds to remain neutral and bias-free, given the emotion still associated with the topic, the committee worked “to make sure nobody was in the line of fire,” Au said.
Given the sensitivity surrounding war, the committee was very careful when choosing its sponsors and speakers. Since the war has remained a politically charged topic, the committee decided an academic institution, such as U of T would be an ideal setting to host the conference. Different from other social realms, said Weiqiao Zhang, a committee member and a third-year philosophy student, the university provided the conference with academic researchers searching for the truth, rather than politicians advancing their own interests.
In light of the conference the committee members have already noticed changes in relations between members in the two communities.
“We have come to a better understanding of why we have different perceptions about the past,” said Zhang. Additionally, the conference has helped “people see each other as other people, instead of categorizing or ‘villainizing’ them,” said Au. Moreover, with many different and personal perspectives brought to the table, Ashleigh believes the conference effectively “promoted a genuine understanding of Sino-Japanese relations.”
Overall, the student organizers were pleased with the results. Along with an excellent turnout and thought- provoking speakers, “it was a very positive experience that I believe we will all cherish as an undergrad project to remember,” Au said. In terms of any future collaborations between the two communities, she believes “there is definitely an intention to hold a similar event next year.”
Hayley Morrison is a political science student at St. Michael’s College.
This webpage was last updated on April 1, 2007. Department of Public Affairs, University of Toronto, 21 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 3J3
Tel: (416) 978-8638, Fax: (416) 978-1632
Web: www.news.utoronto.ca
Email: news.events@utoronto.ca
All contents copyright ©2004, 2005, University of Toronto. All rights reserved.
而我又跟中日留學生合作做了兩場圓桌討論(roundtable discussion),探討如何加深中國和日本年輕人對對方文化的認識,也集中檢討了媒體和教育制度對中日文化交流扮演了什麼角色。
組織這次會議的,不是著名教授,也不是大學的學院,而是一些關心中日問題的中日留學生。他們的主席,井澤賢人(Kent Masato Izawa)曾經選修了我教的一門叫「中日關係﹕歷史,文化,記憶」的大學課程。另外一位主席李濱(Derek Bin Li)是井澤君的好友。兩人花了很多心血,終於籌募了足夠的經費,舉辦了這個由「學生」和「民間」所發起的會議。參加會議的達二百多人,而且反應熱烈。這是連我也始料不及的。作為一個參與者,我感到很榮幸。
News@UofT -- Social Sciences Business and Law
Find this story on the web at: http://www.news.utoronto.ca/bin6/070328-3054.asp
Students build bridges between Chinese, Japanese communities
Conference marked a turning point, bringing forth mutual understanding between China and Japan
Mar 28/07
by Hayley Morrison
Building bridges between two great Asian nations, the University of Toronto’s 2007 Sino-Japanese conference marked “a turning point in the relationship between China and Japan,” said Derek Bin Li, co-president of the Sino-Japanese conference committee.
On March 9, the student-run committee presented a full day of speakers and roundtables to examine both the historical conflict and current relationship between China and Japan. The two nations have been at odds since the second Sino-Japanese war, a conflict over the Chinese mainland that lasted from 1937 to 1945.
“We wanted to give a long review of the conflict,” said Derek Bin Li, co-president of the committee and a fourth-year international relations student. Added Ashleigh Au, the committee’s marketing director, a fourth-year East Asian studies student, the committee “did not want to neglect the cultural exchange” that existed before the Sino-Japanese war.
While most of the attendees were graduate students, some faculty members and mature students also participated in the various seminars and lectures.
To promote mutual understanding and non-official dialogue between the two communities was no easy task for committee members. They approached Yu Chang of East Asian studies and Professor Joshua Fogel, Canada Research Chair in the History of Modern China at York University, to organize the conference sessions. Using their expertise, the committee constructed several roundtables debating issues of forbearance, justice and mutual understanding.
Offering personal accounts and engaging in intensive debate, students demonstrated how Sino-Japanese relations are not just about the war but “a contemporary issue that has followed from the time of this conflict up to the present,” Au said.
With a potpourri of individuals, the committee had to accommodate many different perspectives. About 80 per cent of the committee members were not Canadian born and were influenced by the Sino-Japanese war either directly through their grandparents or through the media.
Although it was difficult for students from Chinese and Japanese backgrounds to remain neutral and bias-free, given the emotion still associated with the topic, the committee worked “to make sure nobody was in the line of fire,” Au said.
Given the sensitivity surrounding war, the committee was very careful when choosing its sponsors and speakers. Since the war has remained a politically charged topic, the committee decided an academic institution, such as U of T would be an ideal setting to host the conference. Different from other social realms, said Weiqiao Zhang, a committee member and a third-year philosophy student, the university provided the conference with academic researchers searching for the truth, rather than politicians advancing their own interests.
In light of the conference the committee members have already noticed changes in relations between members in the two communities.
“We have come to a better understanding of why we have different perceptions about the past,” said Zhang. Additionally, the conference has helped “people see each other as other people, instead of categorizing or ‘villainizing’ them,” said Au. Moreover, with many different and personal perspectives brought to the table, Ashleigh believes the conference effectively “promoted a genuine understanding of Sino-Japanese relations.”
Overall, the student organizers were pleased with the results. Along with an excellent turnout and thought- provoking speakers, “it was a very positive experience that I believe we will all cherish as an undergrad project to remember,” Au said. In terms of any future collaborations between the two communities, she believes “there is definitely an intention to hold a similar event next year.”
Hayley Morrison is a political science student at St. Michael’s College.
This webpage was last updated on April 1, 2007. Department of Public Affairs, University of Toronto, 21 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 3J3
Tel: (416) 978-8638, Fax: (416) 978-1632
Web: www.news.utoronto.ca
Email: news.events@utoronto.ca
All contents copyright ©2004, 2005, University of Toronto. All rights reserved.
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