原來,在明年(2008年)的暑假,7月21日到8月1日之間(北京奧運之前),位於威尼斯的佛斯卡里大學(Foscari University of Venice)將會是一個學習中日文化交流的地方。
這個課程是由日本慶應大學(Keio University),美國哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)和意大利佛斯卡里大學贊助。每年輪流在自己的學校舉辦。明年是第三屆了,如果我沒有猜錯的話,應該是第一次在佛斯卡里舉辦吧。
Invitation to Third Sino-Japanese Studies Summer Course 2008 in Venice
From: Wiebke Denecke
Invitation to the Third Kangaku Summer Course
Sino-Japanese Education: Past, Present, Future
at Foscari University of Venice (Italy)
(Columbia-Keio-Venice Consortium)
Graduate students, faculty, and library professionals are invited to participate in a twelve-day Summer Course on Sino-Japanese Studies to be held at Foscari University of Venice (Italy) from July 21st to August 1st 2008. The course will focus on the history and materials of traditional kanbun education and their impact on Japanese culture.
To connect traditional practice to modern kanbun education, there will be two mini-workshops at the end of the summer course: the first mini-workshop is devoted to discussing methods and materials of kanbun education at Western universities. At a second mini-workshop participants will explore the impact of the traditional kanbun curriculum on Japanese literature through texts of their own interest and expertise.
The Summer Course will be co-taught by Professors Sato Michio (Keio University), Horikawa Takashi (Tsurumi University), and Sumiyoshi Tomohiko (Shido bunko Institute, Keio University). Lectures will be accompanied by afternoon classes that include reading of primers such as the Mengqiu or the Wakan roeishu and practical training in kanbun kundoku.
This course is part of a consortium between Columbia University/Barnard, Keio University and University of Venice/Italy, which take turns in hosting annual Kangaku Summer Courses.
Although there is no tuition for the course, participants will have to pay for their travel and for their housing. Depending on demand, a group rate at a nearby hotel can be arranged for our participants.
Please send application materials in English or Japanese (For students: CV, transcript, brief statement of purpose explaining previous work and current interest in the field. For all others: CV, brief statement of purpose) to the address below by March 15 2008. Space restrictions force us to limit the course to 20 participants.
Professor Aldo TOLLINI
Foscari University of Venice
Department of East Asian Studies
Palazzo Vendramin
Dorsoduro 3462
30123 Venezia
Mail: tollini@unive.it
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